“We lose our souls if we lose the experience of the forest, the butterflies, the song of the birds, if we can’t see the stars at night.”

Thomas Berry
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“The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we’re weak, and sing with us when we are strong.”

Based on the work of Thomas Berry whose inspiration is central at Timberlake, the EP group has been meeting each month for several years now to continue to explore ways in which our personal evolution, or inner spiritual growth, can further develop and impact the collective evolution within the transitional times in which we live. Each month a theme, (Listening, Interiority, Community, Presence, Intuition, for example) is undertaken to which each one in the circle contributes a perspective from her own personal experience or interest, whatever that may be :a  poem, prayer, journal , artwork, music, reading, etc… Each member of the group is encouraged to bring support and extend compassion to the growth of self, one another and to cultivate a deep awareness of the earth and the natural world as primary . Each month’s gathering of the EP group includes solo walks on the trails of Timberlake.


2020 gatherings are currently on hold until further notice.